Nariman Point
Mumbai, Maharashtra

After the resounding success of last year`s Kathak workshop on abhinaya, the NCPA invites the redoubtable grandmaster of Kathak, Birju Maharaj, yet again to conduct the second workshop in the series on the `Subtle Nuances of Abhinaya related to Ashta-nayikas`. Representing the eight moods of a woman in love, the ashta-nayikas have been depicted by dancers, documented by scholars and relished by connoisseurs down the ages. This workshop provides a rare opportunity to observe the maestro at close quarters and watch him interpret and process each nayika through his creative imagination. Tracing the journey of the archetypal woman in love, he will highlight how each classical heroine spontaneously evolves and transforms into the other. He will then elaborate on two of them with contrasting dispositions. Contact: 9819156968 / 26349814.

Added by vrindakapoor on January 6, 2009

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