Abe Lincoln Story live at Safari Sam's
Lincoln's Birthday Tuesday Feb.12, 2008
Hey friends - be sure to come to the Abe Lincoln Birthday Rocktacular Tuesday Feb. 12 @ Safari Sam's. The show starts at 9pm with Monogroove followed by The Abe Lincoln Story at 9:45. At 10:30, we have The Fuxedos. Finally, Romak and the Space Pirates finish it off.
A cheap publicity stunt to play on Lincoln's birthday? Of course! But it's our first show of the year, and a chance to break in our new guitarist George Alexander! And it's only 1 Abe Lincoln (that's Five Dollars) to get in! This is our first time playing at Safari Sam's and we would love your support.
The Abe Lincoln Story is:
Steve Moramarco - vocals
Kristian R. Hoffman - keyboards
George Alexander - guitar
Gary Viggers - bass
Evan Urkofsky - drums
Paul Litteral - trumpet
Danny Moynihan - tenor sax
John Poddy - valve trombone
Deena Rubinson - backing vocals
Melodee Fernandez - backing vocals
Official Website: http://www.abelincolnstory.com
Added by smoramarco on February 1, 2008