Clubsport of Fremont 46650 Landing Parkway
Fremont, California 94538

Universal Concept of Mental Arithmetic System (U C MAS) is a modern representation of an ancient art of mental math. UCMAS uses the Abacus to help children understand and explore the concept of numbers and mathematical computations.

In addition to helping children perform mental addition, subtraction and division of n-digit numbers, the program develops students' latent mental power at an early age. It improves their mind concentration, imagination, and boosts their self-confidence.

To know more about the program and its immediate benefits, come join us for a free demo at any of the 2 locations below:

-- June 12, Fremont
Clubsport of Fremont
46650 Landing Parkway
CA - 94538

-- June 13, Saratoga
Saratoga Community Center
19655 Allendale Ave
CA - 95070

Both demos start at 6:30 PM and attendance is free of charge.
For more information, call 408-530-8867

Event submitted by on behalf of Priya.

Added by Priya Nagaldinne on June 22, 2007

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