Scott McCormick, CMT
Financial Consultant, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
Technical Analysis for the Long Term Investor
Technical Analysis for Long Term Investing will explore basic and intermediate concepts used by technical analysts to identify investment risk versus investment opportunity for time frames commensurate with long term investing.
1. Learn how to identify long term trends in securities
2. Learn intermediate strategies to identify the end of a trend
3. Learn how to manage risk with basic hedging strategies using Exchange Traded Funds and Stock Options
1. Know when it is safe to invest in a particular stock
2. Reduce portfolio risk
3. Improve the odds of long term investment success
Scott McCormick has been in the financial servicesindustry since May 2000. He began his career with Charles Schwab in the Active Trader Services. Here he became very interested in Technical Analysis for analyzing stocks. In 2001, he began the Charted Market Technician(CMT)program through the Market Technicians Association (MTA), and has since been awarded the designation of CMT. In 2004, he took a 2-year hiatus to teach equity, options, and foreign currency trading strategies using technical analysis. In 2006, he returned to Schwab as a Financial Consultant and now assists clients in managing their assets using long term asset allocation and diversification investment strategies.
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Organized by AAII - DC MetroProvides investment education on stocks, mutual funds, and other types of investments. Hear from leading national experts. This chapter is a member of the American Association of Individual Investors,
http://www.aaii.com, the largest national individual investor education association. For more information about our chapter, go to
http://www.aaiidcmetro.com,or contact general information at 301-593-4542.You have the option of paying using this web site, by regular postal mail using the forms in our brochure or on our web site, or by phoning our registrar at 703-879-8480. There are advantages to establishing a paypal account, but it is not necessary. The hotel can be reached at 703-751-4510. Registration/Continental Breakfast: 9:00 a.m. Program: 9:30-11:30 p.m.
Ticket Info: - Advance Registration, $50.00
- Full Registration, $55.00
Official Website: http://aaii20090404-upcoming.eventbrite.com