Michael Shulman
Editor, ChangeWave Shorts; Author, Selling Short
Sorting Through the Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Making Money in 2009
This is a presentation on how individuals can profit by investing in short positions in selected stocks and market segments in 2009. The speakersees the epicenter of the financial and economic crises as housing and this will not resolve itself until 2011. The focus will include a top-down discussion of the financial system, the economy and four segments to avoid or short in 2009 banks, retail and consumer discretionary stocks, home builders and their cousins, and selected technologies. Individual opportunities and tips on creating and managing put positions are also part of the presentation Mr. Shulman does not recommend individuals short stocks outright, but insteaduse puts.
How to profit from falling stocks and market segments
How to hedge your portfolio
How to identify opportunities
You are tired of losing money
You don't want to lose any more money
You want to make more money
Michael Shulman is the creator and editor of ChangeWave Shorts, a subscription service and author of Selling Short, a new book recently published by John Wiley & Sons. He has been writing investment analysis and advice for institutional and individual investors at ChangeWave, a brand created by Investor Place Media, the nations largest publisher of investment services for individuals, since 2001. Mr. Shulman has been investing and trading for a generation and is agnostic. His trading approach isdesigned for any market. His first short recommendations in banking and home building were in February 2007. That year, the average position he recommended was up 51%; in 2008, up 56%.
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Organized by AAII - DC MetroProvides investment education on stocks, mutual funds, and other types of investments. Hear from leading national experts. This chapter is a member of the American Association of Individual Investors,
http://www.aaii.com, the largest national individual investor education association. For more information about our chapter, go to
http://www.aaiidcmetro.com,or contact general information at 301-593-4542.You have the option of paying using this web site, by regular postal mail using the forms in our brochure or on our web site, or by phoning our registrar at 703-879-8480. There are advantages to establishing a paypal account, but it is not necessary. The hotel can be reached at 703-751-4510. Registration/Continental Breakfast: 9:00 a.m. Program: 9:30-11:30 p.m.
Ticket Info: - Advance Registration, $25.00
- Full Registration, $30.00
Official Website: http://aaii20090418-upcoming.eventbrite.com