Aadaddella Olithe? - Play. Inspired by T.Sunandamma's humourous pieces and scripted by Sundar, 'Aadaddella Olithe..?' fulfills the dire need for laughter and relaxation in these stressful times. At once entertaining and artistic, the play revolves round the antics of a elderly couple, whose children are grown up and live in distant cities. Directed by Pramaod shiggaon, one of the most brilliant directors working in Kannada theatre today, the play stars Sundar, Laxmi Chandrashekar, Vidya Venkatram, Shilpa Rudrappa and Ramakrishna Kannarapadi. Another high point of the play are the songs composed by Gajanana Nayak and vocalized by M.D.Pallavi and group.
Official Website: http://www.buzzintown.com/?112844&ref=yupg&refcity=4
Added by buzzintown india on June 10, 2009