The play revolves round the antics of a middle-aged couple, Bhageerathi and Kapanipathi, whose children are grown up and live in distant cities. As they squabble over petty domestic matters, they receive letters from their son and daughter. While the son has written to invite them over to Bombay for the coming Deepavali, their artist-daughter, who is married to a gentleman from France, announces her desire to bring her husband home. Bhageerathi sees the visit to Bombay as a long-awaited opportunity to exercise her power as the mother-in-law, while Kapineepathi wants to subject his French son-in-law through the torture he has experienced during his first Deepavali at his in-laws' house. But both of them are in for surprises. Directed by Pramod Shiggaon. Troupe: Kriyative Theatre (Bangalore).
Added by explocity2009 on April 16, 2009