214 S Fourth Ave
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

For this sixth installment of the bi bim bop tour of Ann Arbor, we'll be returning for a repeat engagement to Eastern Accents on Fourth Ave. (I'll alert Carol that we're coming.) Look for us at noon or a little before.

If this is your first time coming, welcome. I organize a weekly lunch to stay in touch with people, talk about the topics of the day, and to explore Ann Arbor's bi bim bop restaurants. The goal is by the end of the tour to have visited everywhere in town that serves the dish.

Edward Vielmetti is your host - you can contact him at edward.vielmetti@gmail.com, or join the a2b3 mailing list at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/a2b3 , or see my weblog at http://vielmetti.typepad.com .

Added by emv on September 19, 2005

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