333 Battery Street
San Francisco, California 94111

Love. Intimacy. Aliveness. A sense of connection to ourselves and the world. These are the things we women want most. Why do they seem to be in such short supply?

Join Nicole Daedone and the senior faculty of OneTaste for an intelligent, enlightening conversation about sex, women and life. This weekend-long workshop will explore:
• How to feel invigorated, awake, and alive in every area of your life
• How to use sex as a bottomless source of energy
• Easy ways to fuel your work, relationships, and spiritual journey
• The confidence and inspiration to craft a life of desire-based purpose

This intensive weekend in San Francisco is for women who are ready to learn what sex can do for their lives. Who want to share and grow and learn in a community of women just like them. Your presence is requested.

To learn more visit: http://www.onetaste.us/smw.php

For questions or more information contact Lindsay at 800.994.0041 or lindsay.chrisler@onetaste.us

Official Website: http://www.onetaste.us/smw.php

Added by ameeja on March 8, 2011

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