999 Brotherhood Way
San Francisco, California 94132

The Seemorgh Ensemble will perform a colorful selection of Armenian sacred and secular choral repertoire as a well-deserved tribute to the legacy of the "House of Torgom." The program features works by Komitas in memory of the 75th-anniversary of his passing. You will discover the wittiness of Barsegh Kanachian in his Shoosho and Dsenkele-Menkele, and will be mesmerized by Leylaama and To Beeyo, two masterful compositions of Sergey Aghajanian in Persian dialects. A recent work by Daniel Yeazhisht, April 24 (La Minor), promises to be transcendent in this time of year, and James Gozalian's Dsidsernak (Swallow), will call to mind the unmatched beauty of the Armenian choral heritage. Please join us for another memorable concert by the Seemorgh Ensemble...

Official Website: http://www.BayAreaBACH.org

Added by FullCalendar on March 14, 2011