59 JFK Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts

A Toast to Darwin

Darwin Day Celebration!

Monday, February 12, 7 pm

Redline, 59 JFK St., Harvard Square, Cambridge

Raise a glass to celebrate science on the occasion of Charles Darwin’s birthday! Free admission, appetizers and birthday cake, plus food and drink at regular prices. Guests are invited to bring toasts, rhymes, readings stories, songs, Darwin impersonations, and whatever else might add to the festivities as we honor the man who put us in our rightful, natural place.

Why Darwin Day?

The objective of Darwin Day Celebration is to encourage organizations and individuals to celebrate Science and Humanity every year, on, or near, February 12, Darwin's birthday. At this juncture in history, the world has become so small and interdependent that we need a Global Celebration to promote a common bond among all people. The Darwin Day Celebration was founded on the premise that science, like music, is an international language that speaks to all people in very similar ways. Charles Darwin is a worthy symbol on which to focus, in order to build a Global Celebration of Science and Humanity that is intended to promote solidarity among all people of the earth.

(adapted from the Darwin Day Celebration website)


~ Center for Naturalism, www.naturalism.org

~ Humanist Association of Massachusetts, http://masshumanists.org

Official Website: http://harvardhumanist.org

Added by humanist on January 31, 2007

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