One of America's most iconic plays, 'A Streetcar Named Desire' begins on a steamy afternoon in the heart of New Orleans as Blanche DuBois arrives on the doorstep of her younger sister Stella and Stella's sexy, yet brutish husband Stanley. With a trunk filled with jewels and furs to her name, Blanche settles into their two-room apartment, painting a wistful and romantic portrait of her life as a styled Southern belle in Mississippi, all the while failing to complete the mysterious picture with details of her unexpected arrival and unknown departure. As Blanche's fabrications wane and her needs multiply, Stanley's skepticism boils, driving a deep wedge between them. The tension grows as thick as the humid night air until a final plea of passion and desperation sparks an explosive encounter that changes them forever. WARNING: This production contains smoking, strobe lights, and recorded gun shots.
Added by Upcoming Robot on August 22, 2010