A Starry Fantasy is a drama and choral performance. It is a story about three strangers coming together to seek different dreams with the guidance of a mysterious star.
Come, follow the star with us on April 26th at 7:30pm for this once in a lifetime performance.
我們誠意邀請您,在 四月二十六日晚上七時三十分,來到這間既漂亮又富有歷史性的教堂一起追尋這顆千載難逢,難得一見的星。
Venue: Mission Church – Santa Clara University
Address: 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95030
Price: Student - $10 ; Adult - $20
* All ticket prices are tax deductible.
Buy ticket or to learn more about us at
Official Website: http://www.sjconcert.org
Added by micmin on March 15, 2008