1661 Napier St.
Vancouver, British Columbia

"A Show Of Respect"

The Britannia Gallery features
Helen Broadfoot's War Child exhibition

For immediate release July 24, 2007

When Canadian artist, Helen Broadfoot, heard the words "necessary collateral damage" used to describe the children killed and maimed during the invasion of Iraq," something snapped". Her outrage manifested itself into ten large (3' X 3') oil paintings for the children of war called "A Show of Respect". She spent an entire year at her easel painting and at her computer researching the devastating effects war has on children

Helen always knew painting was her lifetime calling but did not have the opportunity to answer until she retired to the Sunshine Coast in Pender Harbour, British Columbia. Not knowing where to begin, she gathered the nerve to write to Noam Chomsky who is a linguist, philosopher, political activist and a prolific author and lecturer. Professor Chomsky had the grace to return her letter with words of encouragement; "There's no such thing as a little person of no consequence…" he wrote and thus began the process of using her paintings to show the world the things she had learned.

Helen Broadfoot's War Child series will be on exhibition the entire month of August at the Britannia Gallery. This compilation is a touring exhibition of paintings sponsored at this venue by Doctors Without Borders. Each painting depicts a child from a different country and chronicles ways that war affects children. All paintings are composed with extreme sensitivity. A major component of each piece is the inclusion of one of the articles of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These articles are painted on the canvas in the language of the child depicted in the painting.

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) receives 50% of the profits from all cards and prints sold from the "A Show of Respect" MSF fundraisers. This money will be put towards medicine, health care and emergency services for the world's less fortunate and the remaining 50% goes toward moving this exhibition around the world to increase awareness of the reality of war.

This free exhibit can be seen at:
The Britannia Center Art Gallery 661 Napier Street (at Commercial Drive) in Vancouver
Opening Reception: Wed, Aug 1st, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Presentation by Artist: August 12th 2:00 pm -4:00 pm
Daily: Aug 1 – 31st Mon/Thurs/Fri/Sat 9:30 am – 5:00 pm, Tues/Wed 9:00 am – 5:30 pm, Sun 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

For more information about the show you can visit
www.britanniagallery.com / www.oilpaintingforpeace.com / www.msfvancouver.com

Contact: Helen Broadfoot would be pleased to arrange an interview to those who are interested. 1-604-883-9789 or helenbroadfoot@gmail.com

Official Website: http://www.oilpaintingforpeace.com

Added by Helen Broadfoot on July 24, 2007