7455 Erie St.
Sylvania, Ohio 43560

Ladies, Women's Connection-West is showcasing clothing makeovers at their next luncheon with A Show of Fashion.

Don't miss this special day at the beautiful Highland Meadows in Sylvania. Check out the fabulous resale fashions from the American Cancer Society Discovery Shop featuring Cindy McGurk and modeled by many of our own women. Then our Special Speaker, Barbara Falls, will share "How Crisis Provided Answers to Life's Most Important Questions."

Reservations are suggested for all our programs and complimentary childcare. Please call Jeannine at 419-841-9653 by Monday, January 10.

Women’s Connection West is affiliated with Stonecroft Ministries, a non-denominational organization based in Kansas City, MO. No membership or dues are required and all women in the area are cordially invited to attend our events, usually held every 2nd Friday of the month.

Added by JPereus on December 17, 2010

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