An important free public forum about our most precious natural
resource: water. Panelists include: Dr. Karen Beazley, Director of the
School for Resource and Environmental Studies, Dalhousie University;
Dr. John Brazner, Freshwater Ecologist; and Anna McCarron, Shubenacadie
Watershed Environmental Protection Society.
There will be copies of the "Towards a water resources management
strategy for Nova Scotia" discussion paper available. There will also
be draw prizes of some new great water books: Maude Barlow's "Blue
Covenant" and Chris Wood's "Dry Spring: The Coming Water Crisis of
North America". Organized by the Nova Scotia Environmental Network
(NSEN Water Caucus). For more information, please contact Tamara
Lorincz, Executive Director of NSEN at (902) 454-6846,
or go to
Official Website:
Added by thegreenpages on April 23, 2008