142 Throckmorton Theatre and Steep Productions Inc. present the fourth annual musical evening featuring performances by Bob Weir, Jackie Greene, Les Claypool's Duo De Twang, Jay Lane (Primus), Lebo & Steve Adams (ALO), James Nash (Waybacks)….and other special guests! Event will benefit the children of the Peruvian orphanage, Casa de Milagros and, the Haitian Relief Organization J/P HRO.
J/P Haitian Relief Organization is dedicated to saving lives and bringing sustainable programs to the Haitian people quickly and effectively. Following the devastating earthquake of 2010, J/P HRO began working immediately on the ground to make an impact in Haiti. The goal of J/P HRO is to help lift the nation of Haiti out of poverty and give the Haitian people a better life. www.jphro.org
The purpose of Casa De Milagros is to nourish the mind, body and spirit of orphaned children and instill in them a sense of self-esteem and self-worth. The orphanage is a unique healing home where growth is encouraged by providing the children with proper health, a good education, art, and recreational and social activities. At Casa de Milagros the children and adults live as a single family, in an atmosphere filled with love and creativity. Living within a cooperative environment the children learn how to manage interpersonal relationships, respect each other, and use non-offensive verbal communication. Casa de Milagros is a home where children can be children. www.casademilagrosperu.org
Official Website: http://www.142throckmortontheatre.org
Added by cmargaritafranco on November 27, 2012