‘A Postcard to the World’ exhibition
The Darnley Gallery, Centre for Better Health, E9 6QH
Exhibition of a CoolTan Arts Mail Art project documenting Londoners’ feelings about the Olympic & Paralympic Games 2012
The Postcard to the World exhibition will give visitors the chance to see postcards designed and made by artists across London depicting their memories and views of Olympics and Paralympics, celebrating the spirit of London 2012. Art works have been created in textiles, visual arts and sound art with CoolTan Arts participants and facilitating artists Lu Firth, Angelica Fernando, Isa Suarez and Michelle Baharier.
The exhibition is open for public viewing from 1st November to 19th November 2012 and can be visited anytime during the following opening hours: Monday, Tuesday and Friday 9am-5pm; Wednesday and Thursday 9am-8pm.
A private view of the exhibition will take place on Friday 16th November from 3-5pm.
CoolTan Arts, a Southwark based arts-in-mental health charity are running this exciting and diverse project, giving participants the chance to create original postcard artwork, sharing their thoughts and feelings about London 2012.
Inspired by the International Mail Art movement, where artworks are mailed, project participants will use the iconic ‘postcard’ as a blank canvas to create individual artworks. Each postcard will aim to tell you something about its sender and their place in time.
Throughout the workshops, participants are encouraged to explore their relationship to the 2012 Olympics, in terms of its proximity to their daily lives and their resulting emotional and behavioural responses to the event. The artwork will aim to map their personal psychogeography, give marginalised people a voice, and celebrate the contribution all Londoners can make to this historic Olympic event.
Added by Cooltan Arts 6527 on November 14, 2012