515 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 5K3

Free Public Lecture (reservations recommended)
A Plea for the Bees' Needs: Pollinator declines and how to encourage backyard biodiversity - It's in the news everywhere-the bees are in trouble. The European honeybee annually provides $1 billion of pollination services to agriculture in Canada, but 1/3 of our colonies are lost each year to Colony Collapse Disorder. The good news is that Canada has more than 800 species of native bees that contribute to pollination services for both wild plants and our food supply. How well are these native bees doing? Can they help to buffer our pollination systems given honeybee declines? Join Dr. Elle to learn about why bees are in trouble, the natural history and status of our native bees, and what you can do in your backyard, community garden or even on your balcony to help support pollinators. To reserve a seat, email: cs-science@sfu.ca

Official Website: http://www.sfu.ca/cstudies/science

Added by coastalcentre on March 24, 2009

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