934 Brannan
San Francisco, California 94103

Exhibit May 5-May 27, 2011; Gallery Hours:Tues-Fri, noon-7pm | Sat, noon-5pm/ Opening reception Thurs, May 5, 6-9pm/ Artists' Talk Sat, May 14, 2-4pm/ Literary Reading Thur, May 19, 7-9pm/ Closing Reception Thur, May 26, 6-9pm

The Asian American Women Artists Association (AAWAA) and API Cultural Center's (APICC) 14th Annual United States of Asian America Festival presents A PLACE OF HER OWN, an art exhibition of works by Asian American women artists from diverse backgrounds and different generations that answers the question, "If you had a place of your own, what would it be?"

Conceived in 2007, curator Cynthia Tom has developed A PLACE OF HER OWN as a long-term project inspired by the idea of environments for women or encouraging the women to build their own. Across cultures and generations, and through necessity, parental, or cultural training-women have learned to compromise themselves. They set aside their own desires to support others; rarely do women claim a place of their own, metaphorically or physically. What happens when we expand the parameters beyond the concept of a room and discover a place in which the limitations are bound by the imagination and nothing more?

The modern-day Asian American woman's experience, viewed from an array of perspectives, is the focal point of programs held in conjunction with this exhibition. The Asian American Women Artists Association (AAWAA) is a national non-profit arts organization dedicated to ensuring the visibility and documentation of Asian American women in the arts. Since 1989, AAWAA has been a resource for the arts and academic communities, working to further the recognition of Asian American women artists in the American Art landscape. Through exhibitions, literary readings, speakers' bureau, publications, and educational programs, AAWAA offers thought-provoking perspectives that challenge societal assumptions and promote dialogue across cultures and generations. For more information on AAWAA and its mission and programs, please visit www.aawaa.net. Contact AAWAA at 1890 Bryant Street, Suite 302, San Francisco, CA 94110, (415) 252-7996, info@aawaa.net.

Official Website: http://www.aplaceofherown.org/

Added by FullCalendar on April 19, 2011

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