Are You Still Searching For Lasting Happiness? Are you frustrated and tired of dealing with the same issues over and over again in your relationships, finances, health or career? You've probably read hundreds of self-help books, attended workshops, watched programs and more with no real results, right?
We understand how frustrating it can be. We say this because we too have spent years trying to figure it out, that is until we learned about the pain body. The pain body is an energy pattern in your body that is an accumulation of old emotions, thoughts and feelings that hold you back. This energy pattern creates things like overreacting, negative thinking and the continual attraction of the same challenging situations in life.
The good news is that you can learn to recognize the "pain body" in its many forms and learn to release it so that it no longer controls your life and experiences.
Come learn how to identify the "pain body" and the different ways it affects your experiences in life. Learn simple, easy effective tools for releasing this unwanted energy so that you can regain control of your happiness and success.
Join us for this interactive discussion and get your questions answered.
Space is limited. Please register online:
$25 pre-registration & $35 at door.
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Added by FullCalendar on August 19, 2008