When will you start attending a networking event to discover business opportunities in Japan? Which county is leading the community development effort with Japanese cities? What would it be like to have a business partner in Japan?
Explore these and other business questions with Claudine Locascio, the executive director of Japan America Society of Colorado (JASC), Bo Martinez, the director of Economic Development Department of the City and County of Broomfield, and Yumi Nakajima Ellermeier, an international business consultant at YUNA Consulting.
Denver's much-anticipated, first nonstop regular service flight between Denver and Tokyo will start on May 12, 2013. The nonstop flight is expected to create jobs and generate a significant economic impact. The connectivity with the Pacific countries via Tokyo is predicted to bring more travelers and help attract new business from Asia.
Join us to explore "New Business Opportunities" and what this will mean for Colorado.
Official Website: http://www.davinciinstitute.com/events/646/night-with-a-futurist-monday-april--8-2013
Added by DaVinci Institute Events on March 19, 2013