City Hall, 14th & Broadway
Oakland, California

Ella Baker center's Reclaim the Future Program presents:

Oakland Solutions Salon:
A Model City is Possible

Majora Carter, MacArthur Genius Award-winner, Director, Sustainable South Bronx

Paul Hawken, Environmentalist, Entrepreneur, Best-Selling Author

Geralina Fortier, Community Education Coordinator, People's Grocery

Van Jones, Director, Ella Baker Center for Human Rights

Bruce Cox, Director, Alliance for West Oakland Development

Join us for a free, inspirational evening for healthy communities!

Hear about current innovations from Community Leaders and social entrepreneurs in teh feilds of environmental and economic sustainability. Presenters will discuss groundbreakingp rojects in urban gardening, local economies, alternative building, and more. Find out what is working in other cities and how Oakland can be a model city.

James Irvine Conference Center, 353 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, downtown Oakland (12th St./City Center BART)

For more info: ; (510) 428-3939 x227

Added by raines on April 4, 2006