Event Phone : 949-340-7408
Email : admin@templeoflight.info
Website : http://www.TempleOfLight.info
Description : An innate healer, author and intuitive medium, Loretta uses her gifts in bridging the connection with the spirit world.
Loretta experienced her own devastation when her son Adam, at the tender age of 17, fell to his death in a rock climbing accident. Struck with her own grief, Adam consistently sent her messages from the ‘other side’ to help her find comfort in that he was still very much with her.
Loretta works in tandem with Adam along with angel and spirit guides. She is the bridge connecting the physical and spiritual world assisting the soul in transitioning to the spirit world, works with the soul once it has crossed over and helps ease the grief of the family and loved ones left behind. She helps in letting go of hurtful emotions such as guilt, resentment and anger. Loretta’s mission is to spread this message throughout the globe and bring healing to our planet.
Loretta’s book, “The Journey of Expansion, A Mothers Journey from Loss to Eternal Love” is a collection of poems that Adam channeled to her explaining that life after death is beautiful, there is no suffering and that love is eternal and never dies. Our loved ones on the other side want us to know that there is no death. It is only a transition from the physical body to the spiritual body. We return home.
Loretta will be giving mediumship demonstrations and talking to the spirit world!
Love Donation: $10
Official Website: http://www.TempleofLight.info
Added by Temple of Light OC on May 6, 2010