145 Redstone Hill Road
Sterling, Massachusetts 01564

Want to cross-promote your events and campaigns while trying to find your way through a huge maze? Have you been searching for like-minded progressives to go apple picking with? Are you new to the area and looking for groups to get involved in? If so, join Socializing for Justice for a day awesome autumn activities!

This weekend, on October 18th, we're headed to Sterling, MA to experience a huge corn maze and lots of fun apple picking. Come get out of the city to enjoy a carefree day and the cool October air. We will help arrange carpools from the Boston area! E-mail info@socializingforjustice.org for more information and help finding a ride.

At Davis Farmland in Sterling, MA, they build an enormous corn maze every year. The designer, Adrian Fisher, is a world-renowned/guiness record holder maze creater.
This year's theme is Olympic Gold and is unrivaled in terms of complexity. It contains miles of pathways, bridges, and the world's first and only double-decker bridge. As if that didn't make it complex enough, Davis' Mega Maze is the only field maze in the world that has the capacity to change every day. There are hundreds of ways to complete the maze and the experience will never be the same twice.

Another first at Davis' Mega Maze is X-treme Mazing which offers extra goals, challenges and choices not found in a typical maze. In addition to the traditional meandering style of solving a maze, guests can now personally tailor their maze experience to their own level of intensity.

This maze is designed for adults, although older children will enjoy it as well. It can take anywhere from 35 minutes to 3 hours. Once we've made our way through the maze, we'll kick back for a little apple picking and conversation. At Socializing for Justice (SoJust) events you can hang out with friends, make new ones, find a date, get the scoop on a job, and find out what's going on this weekend - political or social. And the best part is that SoJust members share your vision of building a more just world. We've got members of all ages, races, genders, sexual orientations, levels of activism and professions. We hope you see someone like yourself and meet someone you otherwise wouldn't have.

No Program. No Speaker. Just us.

RSVP at www.sojust.org - newcomers always welcome!

Fee: $2 to cover group expenses.


Adult 13-59 $16.95,

Kids 5-12 $12.95, Seniors 60+ $12.95, Kids under 5 Free

Additional information can be found at:


What about the apple picking?

Apple Picking with a paid admission to Davis' Mega Maze:

1/2 peck apple bag..........$7.00

Full peck apple bag..........$13.00

Apple picking only

1/2 peck apple bag..........$12.00

Full peck apple bag..........$18.00

Hey organizers! If you're involved with a group or project and want to spread the word bring flyers! There'll be lots of opportunity to schmooze and network.

Want to connect outside of SoJust events? Members view and post events, job & volunteer announcements, roommate searches, etc. on the website - just click 'Messages'. The SoJust Calendar is packed with social justice-related events held throughout Greater Boston. Help us keep it filled - tell us about events you hear about.

From our FAQs:

"It's not very easy for me to meet new people and I'm not really one for small talk at bars."

We hear you. That's why at SoJust events, in addition to traditional name tags, we have "Ask Me About" and "Looking For" tags. That way you can slap whatever you're into lately up on your shirt and wait for fellow SoJusters to approach you. These seem to do the trick of moving past the basic "what do you do for work? where do you live?" questions to conversations that lead to more substantial connections.

"What actually happens at events?"

You'll always be greeted by friendly folks who can help get you socializing, introduce you to people, and chat with you about questions or wishes. It's likely a few people will be there promoting their campaigns and issues (yes, SoJust welcomes that sort of behavior). At our bigger events, there's always a literature table to toss down flyers, postcards, and other paraphenalia about events around town. Most importantly, we can pretty much guarantee there will be someone there you've never met before. As one of our members said, "You are bringing together people who might never get together otherwise - if that ain't a step towards justice I don't know what is."

For more information, check out our website at www.sojust.org

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of Socializing4Justice.

Added by Socializing4Justice on October 14, 2008