"Forget your troubles, C'mon Get Happy!"
This April, spend an evening of fun-filled villainy booing the villain and cheering the hero! Bring the whole family and create a memory that will last a lifetime. Appropriate for everyone from ages 4 to 104, A Magical Melodrama at The Golden Garter Theatre will make you to laugh til your cheeks hurt. Vancouver Washingtons newest old theatre will take you back in time to the edge of the wild frontier, 1908, and transportyou so that you can experience the most popular entertainment of the time; the melodrama with a twenty-first century spin on it of course!
The melodrama is a live comedy stage play where good always triumphs, true love is always mutual and evil is always vanquished (politely, of course!). What makes melodrama such fun theater is the improvised participation of you, the audience. As a melodrama audience, you get to boo the villain, cheer the hero and sigh at the beautiful ingnue. Actors will even step away from the action to speak asides to you and for once, youll be encouraged to talk back! You wont see any quiet signs at our theater, because every one of our patrons is encouraged to become a participant. Go ahead, offer advice to our actors, warn them of impending doom, and even express your feelings! PLUS, unlike anywhere else, our melodrama has a magic-theme, so not only will your funny bone be tickled, your eyes will pop out of their sockets at the amazing and mystifying effects! You wont believe what youre witnessing only a few short feet away. A performance at The Golden Garter will take your breath away! (Dont worry, all confiscated breaths will be returned prior to anyone returning home).
During our Magical Melodrama, and the following comedy variety show called an Olio, youll experience the live escapades of The Great Gorge Variety Arts Players (Thats GGVAP for short). The GGVAP are our professional group of thespians who will tickle your funny bone, touch your heart and turn your evening into a historically-hysterical experience!
At every performance, our pre-show begins with an age-old tradition called the Sing-Along, so start warming up your voice now. Our handsome and trustworthy MC will lead you in recreating the songs popular at the turn of last century (Beware: Anyone caught not singing will be made to sweep the theatre floors after the show). During your first hour, our GGVAP will sink you neck deep into our comedy drama, A Magical Melodrama Or Is a Dead Magician an Abra-cadeavor? Then, in order to give your sides a rest from laughing for a spell, youll enjoy a short intermission where you can enjoy the best popcorn in the Pacific Northwest! And you can even wet your whistle with some old fashioned Sasparilla: A drink that will make your baby beautiful and even put hair on your chest!
Following the intermission, youll return for our classic forty-five minute Olio, when the GGVAP return to the stage for a hilarious live vaudeville-style variety show. Youll witness sensational songs, veracious ventriloquism, marvelous magic, calamitous comedy, delightful dance and humor so clean you can grill a ham-bone on it! And grill you will, because the best news of all is that you, the audience, once again becomes the star of the show! More than one unsuspecting attendee will be asked up on the stage and everyone present will witness the birth of Vancouvers newest starYou! Since every show depends so heavily on audience participation, every show becomes different because every audience is different. So, we hope youll come back and give us the honor of your presence and participation time and time again. We cant do The Golden Garter without youand performing for an empty theater is no fun whatsoeverso we hope to see you again and again!
Our parents wouldnt have it any other way! At The Golden Garter, we pick up after ourselves, say grace before meals and tip our hats to ladies! We dont put up with any of that cursin, cussin or spittin! You can trust were a class act, genteel and refined too. So, dont come alone (unless you have no choice). Bring the whole family! Kids, teens, parents and grandparents all LOVE the zany antics of A Magical Melodrama.
So, dont delay, get your tickets today. A Magical Melodrama at The Golden Garter has been known to sell-out(just dont ask when?), so dont be left in the dust, dont end up high and dry, dont miss the Show Boat, and dont wait til the sun shines, Nellie!, write or call to reserve your seats in our historically-hysterical evening of comedy immediately (that means right now, today! Why are you still reading this? Stop and pick up the phonethats what its there for! You wont be sorry you did. There, now dont you feel better?) But seriously, our current venue only holds 78 friends, so we're planning to sell out every performance. We'd love to see you there, so make sure you and your friends have a seat and buy your tickets today! The Golden Garter will become the highlight of your Spring, I guarantee it, or my name isnt Phineas T. Pendergrast! (Come to think of it, my name isnt Phineas T. Pendergrast! But come anyway, you know you want to!).
The Golden Garter Theatre and Magical Melodramas April 2009 runbegins Thursday night, April 16th at 7pmand also plays Friday night April 17th, Saturday night April 18th and Sunday afternoon, April 19th (at 3pm) (see exact dates that arent sold out on our Schedule page). All you have to do is buy your tickets and show up! (But warm up your funny bone before you come we dont want you to strain anything!) Well do our job by making sure you leave the evening looking younger, feeling lighter, lifting your IQ and even going home in a more stylish & valuable horse and buggy! (not really).
For more information, visit us online at www.GoldenGarter.com
I laughed til my cheeks hurt! Sue Coats, Battle Ground, WA (notice Sue didnt tell us which cheeks!)
Organized by The Great Gorge Variety Arts PlayersFor over 35 years, this band of comedic thespians have traveled the United States bringing joy and laughter to families of all ages and nationalities. www.GoldenGarter.com
Ticket Info: - Adult (15 and older), $16.99
- Seniors (60+), $14.99
- Youth/Children (age 14 and under), $10.99
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/275191104/upcoming