850 Gaylord St.,
Denver, Colorado

A Journey into a World of Wines - A More Fantastic Country
What could be more perfect on a beautiful July evening than a tour through the world of wines, with William Norris, the features editor of Colorado Wine News as your expert guide?  Plan to join us Saturday, July 17th at 5:00 p.m., when hosts Carol and Mickey Canon will welcome you to their elegant home near the Denver Botanic Gardens for this special event.  Each wine selected by Mr. Norris will be accompanied by just the right hors d'oeuvre to complement its special characteristics.  Our host William Norris notes that "the wines presented for tasting will come from my cellar where I have collected more than 2,500 bottles representing the many styles and expressions of the grape worldwide.  We will taste wines of the New World  as well as my favorites of the Old World.  This event is meant to be fun and interactive, as I get quite animated.  We will  start with a glass of Champagne while we wait for all  to assemble before moving into the tasting portion of the early evening. So be on time!  Warm Champagne  is a terrible thing to drink."  This promises to be a wonderful, fitting finale to the 2010-2011 season of St. Martin's Feasts.  Only a few spots remain, so make your reservations today!
Saturday, July 17, 2010, 5:00-7:00 p.m.$100 per personLimited to 20 guests
HOSTS: Carol & Mickey Canon850 Gaylord St., Denver

Organized by St. Martin's Chamber Choir

Ticket Info:  Single reservation, $103.49

Official Website: http://smcc0910feast12-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on July 9, 2010

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