Yes. Ornaments hanging from branches, fragrant leaves, sparkly lights, it's . . . Sukkot!
Join us for a no-experience-necessary celebration, and a delicious dinner. All are welcome.
Sukkot honors the fall harvest, and the ancient Jews who lived in makeshift huts as they wandered in the desert. The tradition is to build a hut outdoors called a sukkah, and to decorate it with ornaments, paper chains, gourds, strings of lights, branches, and whatever else you want.
It's traditional to eat in the sukkah, and even to sleep in it. Celebrate with us in our Sukkah.
All are welcome, whether you're Jewish or just curious.
Childcare free by reservation.
After gathering at 6:15, we'll continue with:
6:30 - Candle lighting and dinner
7:30 - Rabbi Bridget leads a lively discussion about this fun and often-overlooked holiday
8:15 - Dessert and schmoozing (time to hang out and chat)
First-time participants, potluck contribution or $7, RSVP required.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on September 25, 2009