38 Haili St
Hilo, Hawaii 96720

Dec 14: “A Makahiki Carol – A Holiday History” – A musical journey through the history of Hawai`i’s winter holiday.

Rick Mazeraski opens the show with the resounding strains of the Palace Theater's vintage pipe organ. Quack Moor shares a bit of the history of Hilo's historic Palace Theater before introducing the Palace Theater’s cultural practitioners, Leilehua Yuen and Manu Josiah as they use hula, chant, story, and song to depict the history of Hawai`i's winter holiday.

A video on the artistry of a local woodworker should inspire guests to shop locally for fine gifts.

After the video, falsetto singer Stan Kaina and hula dancer Pi`ilani Rodrigues join Manu and Leilehua for some old and new Hawaiian Christmas classics, including "A Makahiki Carol" and "It's Christmas Time in Hilo".

"Hawai`iana Live!" presents a different facet of Hawaiian history and culture each Wednesday at 11:00 am in the Palace Theater, 38 Haili St. Hilo. $5 general admission. Keiki under 12 free. For more information, on the theater and the show, call 934-7010.

Official Website: http://www.hilopalace.com

Added by Leilehua Yuen on December 7, 2011

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