A Good Book on a Fall Day: Robert Penn Warren's All the King's Men
Saturday, October 20th 2007 1:00pm
Portland, ME USA
As the presidential election season heats up, join the Maine Humanities Council for a close look at what is perhaps the best American novel about politics: Robert Penn Warren’s "All the King’s Men."
This half-day program offers presentations by scholars on such topics as political demagoguery, Warren’s literary techniques, and the two film versions of the novel—the classic 1949 Broderick Crawford and the recent Sean Penn remake.
It will also include small-group discussions, the day concluding with a reception and dinner.
Please go to http://mainehumanities.org/fall-07/index.html for more information and registration.
Sign up quickly, though, as space is limited to 125 participants!
The Abromson Center, USM, Portland Campus Bedford Street Portland ME 04104
Annie Madeiros
Sponsored By:
Maine Humanities Council
Official Website: http://mainehumanities.org/fall-07/index.html
Added by alanapost on October 8, 2007