60 Worsley St
Barrie, Ontario

A Gala with Treasa Lavasseur”,

Friday, June 13 at the Barrie Public Library.
Wine and Cheese reception
Silent Auction
6:30 to 8pm

Concert begins at 8pm.
$25 in advance, $30 at the door (complimentary glass of wine included)
Treasa is a professional musician, Winnipeg born, music genre described as bluesy, jazzy, with a hint of country….session vocalist and fabulous pianist.

Google “Treasa Levasseur” for more info.
Bring your partner, friend(s), out for a great night out and support the Barrie Folk Music Society. This is one of our main fundraisers.

Official Website: http://barriefolk.com

Added by barriefolk on June 6, 2008

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