950 Third Avenue, Eighth Floor
New York City, New York 10022

A Fresh Look at the Korea-America Relationship
with Stephen Linton (Chairman, Eugene Bell Foundation)

Friday, April 16 ? 2:30?3:00 pm, registration ? 3:00?4:30 pm, presentation and Q&A

Where does the Korea-America relationship stand now and where is it headed? In search of answers, Stephen Linton provides a fresh look at the Seoul-Washington alliance through a lens reflecting recent dramatic developments?9/11, nuclear tensions on the Korean peninsula and the election and impeachment hearings of President Roh Moo-hyun. Drawing upon his extensive experience in both South and North Korea, Linton outlines realistic scenarios that could determine the fate of the Korea-America relationship, and indeed, the future of East Asia.

Linton is chairman of the Eugene Bell Foundation, whose mandate includes educational, humanitarian and religious programs related to the Democratic People?s Republic of Korea. Founded in 1995, EugeneBell, as it is known in Korea, provides regular support for almost 50 North Korean medical treatment facilities. Tuberculosis, the number one health challenge in North Korea, is EugeneBell?s primary focus. In addition to providing regular support for hospitals and long-term care centers, EugeneBell also delivers more than 30,000 six-month courses of tuberculosis medication per year for outpatient programs that cover approximately one-third of North Korea?s population. Linton received a B.A. from Yonsei University in Seoul in 1975, a Master of Divinity from Korea Theological Seminary in 1978, and a Ph.D. in the field of Korean ethics and ideology from Columbia University in 1989. He is presently a research associate at Harvard University.

To attend, please complete the Registration Form and fax or mail it to:

The Korea Society ? Attn: Lillian Won
950 Third Avenue, 8th Floor ? New York, NY 10022

tel: 212-759-7525 ext. 311 ? fax: 212-759-7530

e-mail: lillian.ny@koreasociety.org

Registration forms must be received no later than Thursday, April 15, 2004.

Added by nyckorea on April 14, 2004

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