A Day with Amilya
Join Amilya in Beverly Hills, CA for an Inspiring Day of Personal and Professional Growth Planning
8:00 Continental Breakfast Group Networking
8:30 The Broken Cookie: Your Life Can Be More Than Crumbs. Ever wonder how others seem to get more out of life? Learn the Cookie Wisdom" that helped Amilya reach her goals, set boundaries and live life with forward movement and power while keeping on course to live your true purpose. Q&A.
10:00 Your Personal Blueprint (workshop) Where are you Where do you want to be? What does that look like? Create a personal blueprint in the major areas of your personal life
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Your Business Blueprint (workshop) What business do you think you are in? What are your goals? Create a tracking plan Create an accountability plan Create a business blueprint in the key areas of your business.
3:00 Review personal and Business Blueprint Do they match? What will and will not work How to address conflicts Fill in the gaps Build overall plan and put in place action steps to start moving the plan forward.
4:00 Building Your Golden Rolodex How to create it How to use it to full potential How to continue to build as well as purge How to keep score and balance within the Rolodex
5:00 Wrap Up What have you learned What are your 30 60 90 day goals Your to do list for preparing for Amilyas Mind to Market
Organized by An Empowered WomanAn Empowered Woman is a forum
designed for women to empower
each other women by sharing our stories,
challenges and victories.
Ticket Info: A Day with Amilya - March 20th Beverly Hills, $554.95
Official Website: http://amilya-upcoming.eventbrite.com