At The Restoration House wewant to invite you intoA Day in theLife...
of a low-income single mother family.The families of The Restoration
House are not unique in their struggles, but it is hard to truly
appreciate all they are overcoming until you see where they have been.
A Day in the Life...is afree, one hour monthly eventthat
letsyou walk in "their shoes," by giving you an inside look into how
The Restoration House works to help single mother families fulfill the
goals and dreams they never thought possible.
Light refreshments will be served.You won't be asked to make any
financial contribution, but we welcome your advice and feedback.
We hope to see you there!
A Day in the Life on the road. We can bring A Day in the
Life to you. If your church, small group, business, or community group
would like to learn more about The Restoration House and the families
with which we work just give us a call or email us. We would be happy
to come out and spend time with you.
Organized by The Restoration House of East TennesseeOur Purpose:
The Restoration House helps to restore single mothers and their children back to Gods good intent for their lives.
Our Mission:
The Restoration House accomplishes its purpose by providing supportive transitional housing andteam mentoringin a safe learning environment where single mothers and their children have an opportunity to restore Lifes Four Key Relationships through a personalized, guided plan.
Ticket Info: A Day in the Life..., Free
Official Website: http://adayinthelifeapr09-upcoming.eventbrite.com