The astral is an amazing world.
With this course, learn not only about where the astral is, what it is like and what you can do there, but about how you can gain your own experiences of it and make it a part of your life.
This course is designed so that each person can work towards their own out-of-body experiences through the 8 weeks of exercises and lectures, and have these experiences on a regular basis.
Learn about dreams, what they mean, why we have them, how to increase their lucidity, and how to remember them more clearly.
Join with others to share experiences and to learn ways to overcome common obstacles. Have your questions answered by qualified teachers and in this way learn to investigate further into the astral and the spiritual side of life.
Over the 8 weeks you can learn how to:
* concentrate and be aware
* wake up in dreams
* project into the astral
* remember your dreams and interpret dream symbols
* travel in the astral and explore mystical places
* understand common obstacles when trying to project and how to overcome them
The astral plane is not just a destination, but a whole other dimension of life, which we can use to gain true knowledge about ourselves, our purpose and about the world and beyond.
To reserve your spot in this free course, fill out our time-saving registration form by copying this address into your web browser:
Or contact us at:
vancouver [at] gnosticmovement [dot] com
Official Website:
Added by Vancouver Gnostic Movement on July 12, 2008