Bright Lights: A Conversation with Neal Keny-Guyer
Date(s): February 11th 2008
Where: Jimmy Maks, Portland, OR
Acting Locally, Impacting Globally:
A Conversation with Mercy Corps’ Neal Keny-Guyer
Monday, February 11
Doors open at 5:30 PM; Discussion at 6 PM
Jimmy Mak’s
221 NW 10th Ave.
Free admission; No RSVP necessary
No organization connects Portland to the world more than Mercy Corps. Its 150-person local staff — mostly housed in five modest buildings in Lair Hill — guides 3,400 employees in 40 countries to provide relief for victims of wars, natural disasters and entrenched poverty.
What makes Portland such a great place to run a $220-million global relief organization? Why, despite being courted by foundation-rich Seattle, is Mercy Corps building a new $21-million headquarters and World Hunger Action Center here? What has the organization learned about urban planning in cities under stress? What kinds of crises will global economics and climate change bring to cities in the future?
Explore these and other questions on February 11 with Mercy Corps’ CEO, Neal Keny-Guyer, over a drink and a bite to eat at the inaugural “Bright Lights” city design discussion series.
For more information about Bright Lights and Portland Spaces magazine, visit
Official Website:
Added by multimodal on January 27, 2008