Join us for an evening of engaging conversation with Ben Cohen, co-founder of Ben & Jerry's.
Ben will be bringing to life the challenges of generating profits while embedding social responsibility in the heart of your business.
Moderated by Douglas Smith of The Virginia Interfaith Center and Scott Wayne of The Frontier Project, we expect heavy audience participation and opportunities to build relationships across the Richmond business and political community.
Hard questions, straight answers, engaging debate.
Monday, November 15, 2010 / 6pm
The Virginia Holocaust Museum / Richmond VA
heavy hors d'oeuvre / wine & beer / and ( of course ) ice cream
$100 per ticket / $1,000 per reserved table of 10
Frontier will be donating all profits from the event.
contact Carra Rose @ The Frontier Project to purchase tickets 804-612-8796
Added by thefrontierproject on November 2, 2010