One of the most powerful influences on our everyday decisions is our perception of time—the way our minds partition the flow of experience into past, present, and future. For many reasons, people of different cultures, social classes, ages, and geographies focus on one zone at the expense of others. In this special presentation, psychologist Dr. Philip Zimbardo weighs the costs and benefits of privileging one sense of time over others and offers insights on adopting a more flexible and balanced time perspective.
In addition, Dr. Zimbardo discusses the importance of cultivating a heroic imagination both in our youth and ourselves. If most heroes are ordinary people, what influences them to act in extraordinary ways—to make sacrifices or take risks on behalf of others or a moral cause? How can we become heroes-in-waiting, ready to act when needed?
Philip Zimbardo, Ph.D., is an internationally recognized scholar, educator, and researcher. A Stanford University professor since 1968, his career is noted for giving psychology away to the public through his popular PBS-TV series Discovering Psychology and many books including The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil (2007) and The Time Paradox: The New Psychology of Time That Will Change Your Life (2008). He is a former president of the American Psychological Association and has twice served as president of the Western Psychological Association. He is currently the executive director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Policy, Education, and Research on Terrorism (CIPERT).
Capacity is limited. Advance registration is strongly recommended for both Members and the general public. To register, please send an email listing the names in your party to This presentation is included in the price of museum admission.
This event is part of our special program series Goodness! Generosity & the Science of Altruism. For more information, see the November 15 series description.
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Added by ExplOratorium SF on December 5, 2008