A Conversation about Correcting the Systems
featuring Dr. Creasie Finney Hairston, Dean
Jane Addams School of Social Work
November 19, 2007
8:30 am until 11:30 am
Continental Breakfast will be Served
RSVP at 312.235.5391 or advocacy@hullhouse.org
Dr. Creasie Finney Hairston has done extensive research on the impact of incarceration & reentry on families and children as well as child welfare policies and children of color. Following her presentation, Rev. Calvin Morris, PhD, Executive Director of the Community Renewal Society and Dr. Nicole Anderson, Director of Institutional Research and Quality Improvement for Jane Addams Hull House will share their thoughts about the disproportionate impact of these systems on African American families and the public policy implications.
This event is part of National Family Week, a national celebration of the importance of families from November 18—24, during the week of Thanksgiving.
The African American Family: Impacts of Incarceration & Foster Care
Added by wjmaggos on November 4, 2007