351 Charleston Rd
Willingboro, New Jersey 08046

"A Comedy Explosion" is coming to the Willingboro area!! Hosted by "Our own" now Philly's known Michael Shawn! Comedian Spank will mainstream and TuRae as the headliner, this is truly a hilarious combination... Don't miss it!

April,18th Showtime @ 9p sharp. Complimentary buffet 8-9p! Dress to impress. No admission with white tees, sneakers or baseball caps. Security will be TIGHT! Sorry 25 and older a must...I did say GROWN and sexy!
Seats are limited so don't wait till the last minute...See you there!

For tickets contact Tyone @609-346-1943, Renelle @609-369-6073, Kutton Zone in Burlington Center Mall ask for Lamont 609-387-9663, M&M Platinum Cuts in Willingboro's Marketplace ask for Mike 609-877-8700.

Added by njoi609 on March 2, 2009