4949 Cherry St
Kansas City, Missouri 64110

The most beloved Christmas movie of all time has been adapted for the stage and is quickly becoming one of the most highly anticipated shows in the theatrical world. This classic holiday tale centers around a mischievous, bespectacled boy in small town America in an earlier, carefree time. Ralphie has one dream: getting a BB-gun for Christmas, despite repeated (and now-infamous) warnings of "You'll shoot your eye out, kid!" In the weeks before the big holiday, Ralphie, his friends and family get into all kinds of situations -- including run-ins with a yellow-eyed bully, a tongue frozen to a lamp post, a bar of soap in the mouth, a garish "major award" in the form of mannequin leg lamp, and a Chinese Christmas dinner. 'A Christmas Story, The Musical' unforgettably captures every child's holiday wonder with deliciously wicked wit, a nostalgic eye and a heart of gold.

Added by Upcoming Robot on October 31, 2009

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