'A Christmas Story' recounts the hilarious tale of the Parker family's Christmas in the 1940s when nine-year-old Ralphie had nothing on his mind but getting a Red Ryder BB gun. No self-respecting cowboy would have been without one. Like the movie, the play is narrated by the adult Ralph Parker, as he reminisces about his past and weaves together stories from his family, school and a visit to Santa at the Goldblatt's Department Store. Recounting the reactions from his mom, teacher and even the department store Santa Claus, as they share the same sentiment to his Christmas wish, "You'll shoot your eye out!" 'A Christmas Story' is a nostalgic journey to simpler times and a joyous reminder of the delights of family, friendship and the pursuit for the perfect Christmas present.
Added by Upcoming Robot on December 18, 2009