9301 Michigan Rd
Indianapolis, Indiana 46268

Beef and Boards presents a special one-hour music-filled version of the Charles Dickens classic, 'A Christmas Carol.' Ebenezer Scrooge is a miserly businessman whose bitterness has increased with age. He cares little for the needs of his fellow man, preferring to keep money in his pocket rather than coal on the fire. His employee, Bob Cratchit, faithfully endures the ongoing chill from both his workplace and his boss. Faithfully, he keeps Scrooge in his prayers even through his own family is struggling to survive on the meager salary he earns. The health of Cratchit's young son, Tiny Tim, is as poor as the family is financially, but Scrooge's heart is unmoved and his coffers remain unopened. Scrooge's inhumanity becomes so intense that it stirs the spirit of his late business partner, Jacob Marley, who visits him on Christmas Eve. Marley tells Scrooge he will be visited by three more spirits, and advises him to heed the messages they bring. The ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come then appear to Scrooge in succession - reminding him of what was, pointing out what is, and showing him what will be should he continue on his present path. Not only will his life be quickly forgotten if he maintains his miserly ways, but those around him face hardships that he could have easily prevented.

Added by Upcoming Robot on December 9, 2010