510 Centerville Rd
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17601

You’ll be magically transported toVictorian London, 1843. Dickensreminds us that, even for a crustycurmudgeon like Ebenezer Scrooge,it's never too late to change. And withthe help of three ghosts—Past,Present, and Yet-To-Be—and the enduring love of Tiny Tim, Scroogelearns to spread love and goodwilland cherish what Christmas is allabout. With music by composer AlanMenken (Beauty and The Beast, TheLittle Mermaid) the musical is adelight for all ages. Date : November 6 2008 - December 23 2008. 6:00 pm - Cocktails/Salad Bar/Dinner Buffet. Cost : $48

Added by Upcoming Robot on December 17, 2008