Based on the Charles Dickens classic, A Christmas Carol tells the tale of curmudgeonly miser Ebenezer Scrooge, who is visited by the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future in an effort to change his destiny and save his soul. This brilliant production by the Monroe Theatre Guild and MAC follows Scrooge through a series of strange and magical journeys, where he ultimately discovers the true spirit of the holiday season. MTG's adaptation of this timeless tale of Scrooge, Tiny Tim and the "spirits" of Christmas is told with such warmth that the spirit of the season will envelop you. Location: Gunderson Stiles Concert Hall. MAC & MTG Member Tickets: Adults: $12.00 Children: $10.00 (12 and under) Non-Member Tickets: Adults: $15.00 Children: $10.00 (12 and under)
Added by Upcoming Robot on December 1, 2008