One man performance with BSL signed interpretation.
Set in the delightful period drawing room at Bantock House, you will find Ghosts and good cheer in this one man performance by Jonathan Collings of Dickens' evergreen classic tale: A Christmas Carol.
Tickets: £5, £2.50 for concessions.
Booking essential: Call into the house during opening hours (Tues - Sun 12 - 4pm) Tel: 01902 552195 or Email:
Official Website:
Added by WAMSDeaf on November 10, 2006
If you live in Wolverhampton but this event isn't for you then why not let us know what you think we should be putting on.
This event is part of a programme of BSL signed events we are organising as part of a new project looking for ways to make our museum and galleries more attractive to Deaf visitors.
We would like to talk to members of the Deaf community to get their views of what we should do.
At the moment we are planning a series of BSL signed events, a BSL signed guide for the new room display at Bantock House, BSL signed material for our website and an exhibition on aspects of Deaf history.
What do you think about our ideas? Do you have other ideas you would like to share with us?
Log on to for BSL signed information.