800 Bagby St
Houston, Texas 77002

Added by Upcoming Robot on October 27, 2009


Muddy Lee

Can't make it on Wednesday guys. Wouldn't want to get my nicely cleaned bike all dirty now. Have fun and see you on Sunday.


Hiya, Thinking about turning up tonight, im in woking so its not exactly far away.


1. I havent tried fitting the bike rack yet

2. Dont have any form of decent lights

So i was wondering if someone had some old lights at home that they could potentially bring tonight, obviously they will be returned after the ride.

I couldnt see where to post on the main site, there seems to be no contact us and I could only leave a comment on already published articles and theres nothing on tonights ride apart from here. So apologies if this is the wrong place to post.

Do you also do day rides? and hows about taking onboard an extremely unfit person who hasnt cycled for nearly 12 years? Back in the day i was a semi pro DH'er, but bought a car and despite the best intentions of "I wont stop cycling" I did and here I am 31 yrs old and 17 stone and decided enough is enough and I need to get fit again.

I totally understand if you dont want to take onboard someone as unfit as I, however I do miss the social aspect of riding with a group of friends and I am eager to get a regular couple of times a week ride, in order to get up to speed quickly.

Let me know,

All the best

Muddy Matt

Jon, YGM...

I'd recommend a weekend ride to start and take it from there - I'm sure we can help...



wonderfull m8, I shall keep my eyes peeled and it would be great to meet you all.

Thanks for repying.

All the best and hope your collarbone has as speedy a recovery as possible.

edit: just read that was last yr, so i presume its all fine now.... theres for not reading the whole post...

All the best


Hi all. Not out tonight, bit knackered. Been up and down stairs all day long (poor ol soul). hopefully see you Sunday. Jem


Muddy Jem

The last comment was me. Learning slowly how to use these computers.