Meeting Room, ABC Country Restaurant, 6500 Hastings Street (at Kensington)
Burnaby, British Columbia V5B 1S2

SPEAKER: Andrea Gray-Grant of Tarragon Foods

TOPIC: "A Business of Her Own" (Pickles)
Andrea was recently featured in the Province Newspaper. She was employed in the food industry when she decided to leave her job to start a business of her own. She began her pickling and canning business from 100 year old Nova Scotia recipes handed down from her grandmother and mother. Her mother passed away suddenly in 2005 so to honour and remember her, she and her sister started pickling "anything and everything". Hear how her business has grown, what advice from an associate has helped her tremendously and how she would like to do canning for other people and expand her product line.

Tarragon Heritage Dill Pickles are available at Whole Foods, Choices and Capers. A 750 ml jar sells for $6.20 to $6.99.

LOCATION: Meeting Room, ABC Country Restaurant, 6500 Hastings Street (at Kensington), Burnaby, BC

COST: Guests $24. Members $21 plus $40.00 annual membership Jan-Dec. Pay at door. RSVP to reserve: Sharon 604-434-7221 or

NETWORKING: Come early! Bring your brochures, pamphlets and business cards for our networking table. Door prizes are donated by some of those attending, which are always appreciated!

Official Website:

Added by MerrileeMiller on January 24, 2009

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