Wow, the end of the year is almost here and it is that time again: party, party, and more parties. So, of course we are throwing one of our own! Come join us at the nclud studio on Saturday, December 6th from 8:00pm till we drop. In our usual style, there will be plenty of beer, wine, some champagne and of course, food. We might even have some eggnog, cookies and other holiday worthy goodies. And you get to help us break in our early Christmas present, the nclud ping-pong table!
All are welcome, so bring friends – it is a web geek’ing, Mario Kart driving, ping-pong playing, wine guzzling, eggnog sipping, awkward sweater wearing, mistletoe seeking, wifi’ed up, beer-pong challenging sort of Holiday Party.
And yes, even we know the Holidays are more than just Mario Kart. We’ve been working with a few non-profits in New York and D.C. and want to extend the giving. This year, we are hoping you can all help us in making this “a better holiday” for the children and homeless of Martha’s Table, right here in Washington, D.C. We are asking that everyone who attends the party to bring one item from the Martha’s Table Holiday Wishlist (we’ll be publishing the list shortly after Thanksgiving). Clothing, food, school supplies, toys and much more (new and used) will be graciously accepted. We will also be launching a new website for ESS (Episcopal Social Services); the largest and longest running non-profit in Manhattan for the neediest of families and children of New York City. Come celebrate the upcoming launch of ESS's new website and help bring some smiles to Martha's Table.
Learn more about Martha’s Table:
Learn more about ESS:
What sort of party would it be without a contest of some sort, a ‘make you laugh’ and ‘look ridiculous’ sort of contest? So in the spirit of the holiday season we are holding a contest for the most ridiculously awesome holiday sweaters – we’ll have a couple iPod Shuffles as a give-away. We realize the Apple fan boys we all are, think of it as the “perfect re-gift”.
So, mark the calendar: December 6th at 8:00pm. Rant and rave with your fellow web geeks, enjoy the party, wear a ridiculous sweater and help us make this a better holiday for a few in D.C.
Official Website:
Added by mringlein on November 12, 2008
Yeah, sorry you guys (and Milo) can't make it down. Next year we are going to plan much much more in advance. Don't worry though -- I will drink a couple in your honor.
FYI: We've put the Wish List online. We ask that everyone attending the party please try and bring one item from the Martha’s Table Wish List.
I wish we could make it for this, but we've got enough travel planned for the end of the year and we've already got a guest this weekend (Mr. Dan Rubin), so it's not an option for us. Hopefully next year though!