Dust off your business cards and bring your talented self to the W for a night of mingling and networking with Bay Area filmmakers!
Our last mixer was our biggest, and had a nice little write-up in the SF Examiner (http://www.examiner.com/article/the-bay-area-film-mixer), so come be a part of an event that's helping inspire Bay Area Filmmaking to a new level!
Meet other filmmakers and those involved in making it happen. This is a business where those who connect are those who work, so come find out who's doing what around town and what projects are in the works!
Let's give the Bay Area the film recognition it deserves!
Be inspired. See you there!
Who: You and Bay Area Filmmakers
What: A Bay Area Film Mixer
Where: The Lounge at the W Hotel
181 3rd Street San Francisco, CA 94105
When: Friday – August 3rd - 7:00PM – 11:00PM
Why: Because it’s about time we all did this.
Added by Dave Moutray on July 31, 2012